Sunday, November 14, 2010

Secret reading obsessions

We all have those sneaky rituals that we engage in on a regular basis. One of my secret Sunday obsessions is reading the Domain section of The Sydney Morning Herald. I love to snoop all the houses for sale and see if any celeb homes are up for sale, even though I could never afford any of them.

Some weekends I also venture into other parts of the paper. Traveller caught my eye this morning with the front page titled 'Baby steps in Bali'. I'm off to Bali for 10 days in January, so was quite excited to read this one.

I can't wait to stay at the Padma Resort, go to Rock Bar for dinner and drinks and snorkel near Tejakulla village.

If my Dad picks up The Sun Herald, I also enjoy a flick through Sunday Life and checking out what Mia Freedman has to say for the week.

What are some of your secret reading obsessions?


  1. I secretly turn straight to the back page of the Herald to the PS section with Andrew Hornery (aka the gossip section, Heckler and Column 8). S Magazine on a Sunday with all the wannabe Sydney social scenesters is also another guilty pleasure.

  2. I hardly ever any more but I go for the food section but ONLY in the herald.

    ...and the Sunday life quiz
