Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello world, it's me

I have tossed up the pros and cons of starting my own blog for a considerable amount of time.

Here are the pros: work on my writing skills, flesh out ideas and thoughts which are constantly circulating in my head, share photos and stories of travel, work and frankly put, life.

However, there seemed to be so many cons and maybe that is why I have taken so long to actually get this up and going.

Is blogging just a form of shameless self-promotion? Should I simply keep a diary instead? Will readers think my topics irrelevant and indulgent?

It seems there are no right answers to these questions. The bloggers I know do so, simply because they enjoy it.

So here is to taking the giant leap into the blogosphere. Welcome to Eye Heart Choo.

What are your thoughts on bloggers?


  1. My thoughts on bloggers? Thanks for asking Shan Dog! I think as long as they have something interesting to say and are good at writing it's a win. I'm already obsessed with Eye Heart Chu, love your # 1 fan.

  2. *nat clicks "add to favourites"*

  3. as for you question - i love reading blogs!! but hold quite a heavy disliking of pretentious bloggers that ramble on and on about nothing but themselves. something tells me i will like this blog though. eye heart choo ex oh
