Last night the coordinator posse from work got together for a fun-filled night.
We rendezvoused at the Cleo office and had a few beverages, some sweet tunes and chit-chat. At the recommendation of Tiff Loh we headed to Low 302 to meet up with some of Chinny's boys.
Besides the disgustingly loud singer, if you could call her that, it was a pretty sweet location. Snacks were yummy and the wine was flowing. We even ran into the wonderful Inga, Ju Ju, Braz and Pat.
Chinny then got us on the list (cringe!) for the Puma Social launch party. In a crazy warehouse there was traditional hot dogs, free drinks and wait for it, nine Puma mini golf holes. Some of the cool names of the holes included "The Clock Block" and "Walk of Shame".
What a fun night?! Thanks to Bella, Chinny, Tiff Loh, Jade, Maz and the various boys involved (thanks via Chinny).
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